During the next three months, humanity will be pushed to make hard adjustments in the continuing planetary shift. The battle between the old ways and new directions intensifies driving more polarization between groups. Individuals, especially older souls, will feel "called" to make major changes. Consider this an excellent time to make changes you want. Younger souls will tend to react to these influences with fear and haste. Ultimately, these dramatic influences are cosmic nudges to raise planetary consciousness.
What has been experienced in the recent past will be amplified in June, July and August: attempted terrorist attacks, economic instability, foreclosures, floods, earthquakes, radical stock market fluctuations, political polarization, and overall fear and uncertainty.
Events will force humanity to deal with its shadow - greed, cruelty, attachment to materiality - and also give it an opportunity to make breakthroughs of tolerance and compassion.
On a personal level, you may be taking a hard second look at what you REALLY want in life. Anything that doesn't represent your deep inner truth will cause you disharmony and frustration at this time. You may have to rethink your job, a relationship, where you live or your goals and needs. You are literally re-contracting with your higher self. Expect many parallel shifts during the next three months, with your reality shifting at a fast pace.
Questions to ask yourself now are: What do I REALLY care about? Does my life reflect what I care about? What is my passion for living and what am I doing about it? What are my dreams? Have I given up on them? Consider a ceremony or ritual on the Summer Solstice as a time to communicate your genuine desires to your higher self, guides and angels.
There are two eclipses coming up: a lunar eclipse of June 26 and a solar eclipse on July 11. Eclipses are "triggers" which allow the higher self to assist the personality in making course corrections in one's life. Many individuals will leave the body during an eclipse period. During the July 7 and 22 eclipses of 2009, a wave of people left the planet including, Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahan, and Michael Jackson.
General predictions: Earthquakes for Indonesia, China, Japan and possibly southern California. Debt continues to be a huge problem globally, with an emphasis on America, the European Euro/Greece, and Dubai. Dubai, a young soul country, is overextended financially and has high debt that hasn't been revealed. Expect more problems there. The Gulf oil spill continues to worsen, becoming one of the worst "natural" disasters this country has ever seen. Summer storms in the Gulf could make matters worse.
From a spiritual perspective, humankind will move up the soul age ladder. What you probably won't see in the news is the groundswell of individuals working together to create a better world. Acts of selflessness and compassion from one human to another will create a strong love vibration in the collective consciousness, moving humanity along its spiritual path. The powerful movements of sustainable living, community building, caring for the planet and living with less continue to build at a grassroots level surge forward.
How to Work with These Energies:
Begin by reminding yourself that change is OK and necessary. If you are resisting the planetary shift, it will only cause you suffering. Surrender to what is and place your attention on what you can change: yourself. You have the strength and wisdom to make this powerful paradigm shift, or else you wouldn't be on the planet at this time Keep your vibration up by being grateful, helping others, loving your loved ones, and participating in activities that bring you joy.
This world is constantly changing and always has been. Those of you reading this have had many lifetimes of change and experience, and you know how to navigate the current shift. Your personality may be afraid of changes, but your spirit knows change is an opportunity to get closer to the divine. If you want genuine stability, look within and connect to spirit. When you are connected to spirit, you will be naturally guided to the safest place to be or the perfect situation. All it takes is being present.