Sunday, October 31, 2010

November Energy Update

Whenever significant events occur, such as elections, a nexus is formed. A nexus is a powerful energy field where thousands of parallel realities merge and are created. It is caused by a buildup of all the thoughts, desires and emotions of people on earth, and represents a tipping point to the next level of consciousness. When this happens, hundreds of realities can be created, or chosen, not just a few. These realities com

squirrel eating nute packed with new agreements, paths, and opportunities.

All parallels coexist dimensionally. Parallel realities provide individuals and the collective an experience of all possible choices. There are realities, for example, where Hillary Clinton was elected president, and also ones where McCain won. Do you ever wonder what it's like in those parallels? Parallels provide valuable information for the human collective.

The November 2 election is such a nexus. Obama's nomination of 2008 was the last big political nexus and is helping to shape the current one. From the perspective of the Michael Teaching, Obama becoming President moved the soul consciousness of America from 7th level young to 1st level mature soul. That event marked a huge shift in thinking and desires. Those thoughts and desires have been percolating and have opened the minds of men and women to be able to go to the next level. Insight and knowledge about sustainability, green inventions, healing, cures, community and science are enhanced. People can experience more love, forgiveness and joy. There are more choices available now for those with an open mind.

No matter how you feel about the election results, keep your attention on the bigger picture: thasquirrel staringt humanity is still moving forward and will eventually get "there." If the governor you liked didn't get elected, remember that he/she is governor in another parallel and influencing that reality. Ultimately, it all winds up in the same collective pot. Try not to get caught up in all the negative emotionally-based rhetoric. Keep your vibration up and stay focused on what's positive and constructive.

During the next couple of weeks, put your attention on what you desire to manifest. What choices are you making about your life right now? Are they motivated by love or fear? Are you being true to yourself? Allow your personality to be open to new ideas and ways of doing things. If you haven't seen your dreams in a while, dust them off and infuse them with love and inspiration.

On a mundane level, energy starts to flow more smoothly in November. The sluggishness of last month loosens up and things start to flow and fall into place. By mid-November, expect positive movement and synchronicity in your current choices. Money can pick up in a big way. Staying on track with your dreams and visions will magnetize what you want. Use creativity and inspiration as energy to keep you going strong.

And while it is a good time for socializing, watch getting pulled into power struggles towards the end of the month. This is especially strong around Thanksgiving Day; so pay attention to any family dynamic that could cause problems.

Lastly, take a cue from the squirrels and store some energy for the winter. Try not to overdo it, give yourself down time, do activities that feel good, and sleep in.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

August Energy Update

As we move into the new paradigm, we will continue to experience the pull between expansion and contraction. Your personality must adapt to a new way of BEING on this planet and so must expand into new vibrations and ways of functioning. At the same time, you will experience the contraction and breakdown of the old paradigm. Individuals are making powerful shifts internally to be able to adapt to this tug-of-war. And that brings us to August.

This month is about expanding and making breakthroughs.. You may wake up one morning and make a drastic change, and feel fine about it; even calm. A sense of resolve about an issue may come over you, seemingly out of the blue. The pressure of the year finally released released, allowing you to move in new directions.

The eclipses of June 26 and July 11 provided a very potent energy field for spirit to make course corrections. Spirit has been working at positioning your personality on the game board towards your highest possible path. These corrections will continue to affect you as we move towards 2012.

August is also about taking action. It is time to call on your inner wisdom and let go of what doesn't work and put more energy into what you do want. Between now and the end of October is an auspicious time to take risks in your intended direction. Move some physical plane energy and allow yourself to be spontaneous! Indecision doesn't work now.

This month is also a great time to spend time with family and loved ones. Connect with old friends or make new ones. Enjoy time with your beloved. Take time to be with family at a picnic. If you are not close to your DNA family, then connect with your spiritual family. Call good friends you haven't talked to in a while and get together for tea. This may look like it's just about having fun, but it's really about strengthening your agreements and insuring a strong support circle moving forward.

We are currently experiencing intense solar flares. The Sun is the consciousness that holds all templates and information for our solar system, earth, and humanity. When the Sun is flaring, it is releasing new templates, ideas and information for use by humankind. When humankind grows to a certain level of awareness, then new information is released. This will ultimately look like new inventions and innovative ideas by those that tap into the new download. Feel free to tap in, if you want to.

Mercury goes retrograde August 20 and moves forward September 12. Remember to dot your i's and cross your t's.

A Clean Break of It

When asked how I broke my arm, I’d feel better if I had an interesting story to tell, like I was climbing Half Dome at Yosemite or trekking in the Himalayas, but that wasn’t the case. It happened on our back patio. The sprinklers had turned on and the sprayer head in the hanging pot next to me was gushing everywhere. I turned and reached for the pot and my feet slipped out from under me just like one of those “banana peel” slips. My hand smacked the pavement and the pain was immediate. It looked broken and distorted. My husband Sam happened to be right there with me, so he got me in the car and whisked me to ER along with our neighbor Lila.

When in that much pain, time is an eternity! It felt like forever before they took my name and insurance info and got me to a room. And then it took another eternity to get pain medication. Believe me, I was asking, no, pleading for pain meds. At first I thought I should just suck it up and be stoic about the whole thing. But I’ve had too much therapy and used the Loving Communication principles too long to start stuffing my emotions now. So I decided I could cry all I wanted, and believe you me I did. I really don’t think the staff was happy about it. Oh, well.

The doctor told me they were going to have to “reduce” it, which sounded weird, but meant they were going to have to straighten it out. Yikes! I made sure I would be “knocked out” for the event, and I was. Sam insisted on being in the room, but half of the six or so people helping out told him to leave. “Look, I’ve played rugby and refereed rugby for over 30 years. There is nothing I haven’t seen and I’m not squeamish.” So he stayed. I was glad because he has always been my protector.

A week later I saw Dr Caufal (Sue-fal), and he said my choices were a cast for 3 months or a plate, a couple screws and I’d be back to my life sooner. I opted for the later and had surgery the following week. I have never had surgery before and the whole process of going to the hospital, hanging out in pre-op and then getting a nerve block in my shoulder was scary and intense. I’m just not good with this physical plane stuff. The procedure went well and I was sent home an hour and a half after surgery. The cast came off after 10 days and I am working at getting the use of my arm and hand back with stretches and exercises.

There were days were I just laid on the sofa in pain, taking pain medication and watching TV. I’m embarrassed to say I started watching Bridzellas. Somehow the drama on the show took me out of my world. For those of you who know me well, I thrive in warm weather and don’t like the cold. I was watching the summer float by without being able to garden, go to yoga, or quilt, and it was very depressing. That’s the basic physical plane story.

In the meantime, I was plagued with “Why did this happen?” I meditate, I grid, I pray. What the hell is going on?!” I don’t know whether it was shock, pain or pain meds, but my mind was coming up with all kinds of theories. “Maybe the fairies are mad at me for some reason.” The best advice came from my friend Kevin. He is always wise and very funny.

“Holly, don’t listen to your mind right now. It’s not your friend.” I really needed to hear that! It calmed me down quite a bit, plus it gave me a good chuckle.

I believe we all have animal totems, and the strongest totem for me is the hawk. Whenever I see a hawk, I feel peaceful inside and know life is OK. I also feel protected. Well, enter my totem. The day after my fall, I looked out the kitchen window towards the backyard, and there sitting on our swing was a hawk. It looked so strange. I was really floored! OMG, what does that mean?

About ten days later, my friend Linda called and wanted to read a passage about hawks from a book entitled Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. At the moment she started reading, I looked out the kitchen window and saw familiar brown and white wings flutter by. I ran to look, and there on the backyard lawn was a hawk standing on the grass. Hawks just don’t do that kind of thing. I have never seen anything like this in our backyard, even though we have lots of other birds that come to the feeders. Well, if that wasn’t a sign, I guess nothing is!

The third visit came a week or so later when my friend Troy and I were sitting on the swing, and the hawk flew down in the lower branches, sat for a few moments and then took off. It’s the classic “Three Time Rule.” (If it happens three times, pay attention, spirit is talking.) I knew spirit was afoot, and if I could just stop stressing I would understand what this was all about.

In between the fall and surgery, I had the great fortune of having a healing session with Bernie. She is a practitioner of BodyTalk and a true healer. I needed to prepare for surgery by releasing the shock and trauma of the fall, and she graciously came to my home and gave me a session. She is such a kind and thoughtful person, and one who is totally committed to serving others as a healer. My cup of tea!

I laid quietly while she “talked” to my body, and she had some insights that brought me full circle to a dream I had about my dad earlier this year.

She said, “Your bone is telling me it is connected to your father’s mother’s mother’s lineage. And the bone is also saying, ‘I have a greater destiny.’”

Her words stunned me. I had a powerful dream earlier in the year that let me know my father is winding down his time on earth and to prepare myself for his leaving. After the dream I planned a trip to visit him in Oregon because I hadn’t seen him in a while.

My father lives in his mother’s house, and the house has many items from his mother and father, and grandmother. The entire house is almost entirely furnished with his mother’s furniture. He can’t let go of anything, literally. He has every geology book he’s ever read for the past 60 years in the garage. He feels very uncomfortable just moving things from one room to another. The energy at the house feels stuck. There is a lot of old emotional energy as well.

Not only is there a lot of stuff, it is also packed with ghosts, ancestor energy, old thoughtforms and old dysfunctional energy from the lineage. You could call it ‘energetic hoarding.’ There are two large bedrooms upstairs, and at night when I go to bed I say goodnight to the ghosts in the first bedroom, close the door, then place a golden grid of protection around myself when I go to the other room. This is the only way I can sleep with all the ‘noise’ of the energy and spirits.

It hit me what was going to happen when he crosses over. He is the current lineage holder and when he goes, all of the unresolved lineage energy will come to my sister or myself, or both. Cleaning out the house from all the stuff isn’t a problem; the left over energy dump is. All I could think of was, ‘Hell no, I don’t want to take this on. I have work to do on the planet.’

For almost 30 years as a channel, I have seen the impact on a surviving child when a parent dies. The energy of one generation gets passed to the sibling that is closest to the parent. When that happens, they start acting like the parent or develop similar mannerisms. I felt overwhelmed at what my sister and I were going to have to deal with in the future.

And this brings me back to Bernie. Her words lit up my mind. Sometimes to make a break from something we don’t want, it manifests as a physical experience. Bones represent our history and ancestors. If I do have a different destiny and this was about the lineage, it makes sense to me why I would have to break away from the energy of it to continue my path. A Tibetan doctor I am also seeing said that when energy builds up and we break a bone, it’s because we are releasing an obstacle. I don’t have all the answers right now, but I believe this does have something to do with my dad. There is more to this story and it has to do with our land and putting up a retaining wall and fence, but that will be for next time.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June Energy Update

During the next three months, humanity will be pushed to make hard adjustments in the continuing planetary shift. The battle between the old ways and new directions intensifies driving more polarization between groups. Individuals, especially older souls, will feel "called" to make major changes. Consider this an excellent time to make changes you want. Younger souls will tend to react to these influences with fear and haste. Ultimately, these dramatic influences are cosmic nudges to raise planetary consciousness.Opportunity Sign

What has been experienced in the recent past will be amplified in June, July and August: attempted terrorist attacks, economic instability, foreclosures, floods, earthquakes, radical stock market fluctuations, political polarization, and overall fear and uncertainty.

Events will force humanity to deal with its shadow - greed, cruelty, attachment to materiality - and also give it an opportunity to make breakthroughs of tolerance and compassion.

On a personal level, you may be taking a hard second look at what you REALLY want in life. Anything that doesn't represent your deep inner truth will cause you disharmony and frustration at this time. You may have to rethink your job, a relationship, where you live or your goals and needs. You are literally re-contracting with your higher self. Expect many parallel shifts during the next three months, with your reality shifting at a fast pace.

Questions to ask yourself now are: What do I REALLY care about? Does my life reflect what I care about? What is my passion for living and what am I doing about it? What are my dreams? Have I given up on them? Consider a ceremony or ritual on the Summer Solstice as a time to communicate your genuine desires to your higher self, guides and angels.

There are two eclipses coming up: a lunar eclipse of June 26 and a solar eclipse on July 11. Eclipses are "triggers" which allow the higher self to assist the personality in making course corrections in one's life. Many individuals will leave the body during an eclipse period. During the July 7 and 22 eclipses of 2009, a wave of people left the planet including, Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahan, and Michael Jackson.

General predictions: Earthquakes for Indonesia, China, Japan and possibly southern California. Debt continues to be a huge problem globally, with an emphasis on America, the European Euro/Greece, and Dubai. Dubai, a young soul country, is overextended financially and has high debt that hasn't been revealed. Expect more problems there. The Gulf oil spill continues to worsen, becoming one of the worst "natural" disasters this country has ever seen. Summer storms in the Gulf could make matters worse.

From a spiritual perspective, humankind will move up the soul age ladder. What you probably won't see in the news is the groundswell of individuals working together to create a better world. Acts of selflessness and compassion from one human to another will create a strong love vibration in the collective consciousness, moving humanity along its spiritual path. The powerful movements of sustainable living, community building, caring for the planet and living with less continue to build at a grassroots level surge forward.

How to Work with These Energies:

Begin by reminding yourself that change is OK and necessary. If you are resisting the planetary shift, it will only cause you suffering. Surrender to what is and place your attention on what you can change: yourself. You have the strength and wisdom to make this powerful paradigm shift, or else you wouldn't be on the planet at this time Keep your vibration up by being grateful, helping others, loving your loved ones, and participating in activities that bring you joy.

This world is constantly changing and always has been. Those of you reading this have had many lifetimes of change and experience, and you know how to navigate the current shift. Your personality may be afraid of changes, but your spirit knows change is an opportunity to get closer to the divine. If you want genuine stability, look within and connect to spirit. When you are connected to spirit, you will be naturally guided to the safest place to be or the perfect situation. All it takes is being present.

Friday, May 7, 2010

What’s New in My Front yard?

I got up this morning to the sound of loud squawking going on in the front yard. Flitting about the trees were four baby Acorn woodpeckers! We saw several nests, or holes, in the two elm trees and were waiting to see how many fledglings would be hatched. In the seven years we have lived in our home, we have never seen this many babies being born.
I tried to get some good shots of them, but they were zipping from limb to limb, almost frantically. After several hours of trying to get a few decent pictures, here are examples of my efforts. After this experience, I have a profound respect for wildlife photographers.
While I was attempting to get a few good shots, I saw an American Oriole sitting on a branch. I have been waiting to see if the Orioles from the last two years would come back after migrating, and it looks like they have. Also, a Red Shouldered Hawk flew by and sat for a minute. I consider hawks “my people” and one of my power animals, and I took it as a sign from the Universe. When they show up, they cue me that all is OK.
Lastly, a pair of House Finches has built a nest in a hanging flower pot on the front porch. I like having them there but hate to disturb them by going in and out of the front door. I figure if they can stand the traffic, it’s OK with me. I have to water the pot by hand so the nest doesn’t get wet. I hope to get some good pictures if the babies hatch.

When I see all these beautiful birds on our property, I know that the energy of our land is loving and safe. I do many energy clearings and blessings on our land, and I know it not only invites the birds and animals, it also invites the fairies, elves and other earth spirits. Having their presence on our land is soothing and healing to us. You can have this experience, too, if you do energy work on your land!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May Energy Updaate

The energy levels are low to sluggish during the first two weeks of May. It may feel as though there is no movement with current projects. Some of you may even feel bored. We can assure you this is only temporary. This is an excellent time to rethinkhow you handle your money, debt and resources. What do you spend your money on? What do you value? What do you realistically need to do to create more stability? Do you have a plan or are you just winging it? Utilize a financial planner or supportive friend if you need help. This is also a good time to make a will or living trust if you don't have one. Consider this an opportunity to create a more solid foundation for your future.
The pace picks up mid-May, and so do challenges. Your essence may make some course corrections to your life that may surprise your personality. If an obstacle shows up on your path, consider it an opportunity to make a breakthrough to a new level. Take command of the situation, face it directly and compassionately. What you work through now will give you future gifts. What you avoid now will resurface again in June, July and August. Mercury moves forward onMay 11, but don't expect communication to smooth out until May 27.
By May 25, the energy flows more easily and manifesting is enhanced. Set your intention for what you want in your life, such as more clients, more money, a new relationship, new job or getting a needed loan.
When working with others at this time, make sure to stay balanced and positive. You may miss an opportunity if you get caught up in arguments and taking sides. Try to see all points of view and work towards mutually agreeable goals. May 9th is Mother's Day! Celebrate mothers, grandmothers, Mother Earth, and the "mother" in each of us!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Elfin Altar

I received a catalog in the mail from Plow and Hearth. This particular catalog caught my attention because it had all kinds of garden stuff on the front, which hooked my gardening addiction. When I came upon a page showing elfin doors, windows and porch light, I screamed. I had to have it; there was no doubt about it. My inner child was jumping up and down with the fun of it, and my goddess self thought it would be a great way to honor some of our land spirits. And believe me, when we first moved into our home in the fall of 2003, they were very unhappy with humans. In fact, they didn’t want us there at all.
How do I know? Well, after all the commotion of moving in, I started noticing really negative energy coming from the back of our garage. The garage is not attached to the house and had extra length to it. There was room to park our cars and then a smaller room beyond that with a refrigerator and extra storage. Frankly, the place always creeped me out and I never wanted to go in there. Little did I know what was hanging out in there.
Everyday I passed the garage for one reason or another, and felt really uncomfortable. And it got worse when I started hearing hostile voices.
“We don’t like you.”
“We’re going to get rid of you like we did the last people.”
“Get out of here.”
This went on for a few weeks, and I felt intimidated. Frankly, I questioned whether I was making it up. I finally tuned in and got the impression it was coming from “little people,” such as elves or dwarfs. They seemed located in the back part of the garage, but when I looked more closely, they were behind the garage right where a pile of rubbish was left. I knew I had to turn this around.
The next time I walked by the garage, I heard it again, “We hate you.”
This time I stopped, sent an energy ball of love in their direction and said, “I don’t hate you.” I sent more love.
“We don’t want you here. We’ll get rid of you like the last people.”
The previous owners bought the house, remodeled it and then the husband was transferred out of the area. They were bummed, and I can understand why. They had gone through all the hard work and now had to walk away. I wondered if these elves did get rid of them?
I asked, “Why don’t you want me here? Why do you hate me?”
They responded, “Look what they did to our tree! Look what they did!” They were whipped up in rage by now.
I admit to being a dense human being at times. I couldn’t figure out what they meant. What tree? What are they talking about?
“What tree? Where?” I asked. I felt like they were jumping up and down with fury. “That tree, look at it!”
I started to examine the tree closest to the garage. It sits approximately in the middle of our third acre, right next to the garage. When we moved in, my husband Sam noticed the tree was “bleeding” sap at the base and said it didn’t look very healthy. And Sam ought to know, he used to own a tree company.
My eye suddenly caught sight of what the elves were talking about. The previous owner decided to build a dog run right next to the garage, and to do so they cut off one-third of the roots of the tree for a retaining wall. This had clearly done some damage. And one thing I do know about earth spirits, they love their trees! Seriously, trees are very important to them and people need to be very careful about cutting them down or damaging them. Look how important trees are in the Lord of the Rings and Avatar. But that’s another blog.
I told the elves I would do a healing ceremony for the tree. As soon as I spoke my intention, the energy lightened up. They seemed excited and happy that I would help their tree. They softened towards me and I felt their acceptance. If you love what they love – trees, flowers, rocks, water -- they love you. It’s very simple.
Whenever I work with land, I always start with a clearing of all human ‘debris.’ People not only leave a carbon footprint, they also leave emotions and thoughtforms. Earth spirits are not equipped to deal with these energies. People leave sorrow, anger, hatred, as well as the energetic patterns of their life. If a homeowner was abusive to their pets, all of that energy sits there. If there was a death, there might be a ghost walking around. These human energies stifle the earth spirits in being able to do their work, which is to maintain the natural energies of the landscape.
For this particular ceremony, I started by clearing off the previous owners’ energy, which included their thoughts of disregard for the land as well as their frustration at having to move. I invoked the Overlighting Angel of our area, a powerful earth angel designed to oversee a part of the landscape, as well as the Overlighting Angel of this type of tree. I asked the elves to join in, which they did, and we focused love and healing towards the tree. I left the small altar for the ceremony at the base of tree for several weeks. The elves would often ask me to please do another ceremony, which I would do. Then Sam trimmed all the dead wood off the tree and gave it a beautiful shape. The tree looked like it ‘perked up.’
Finally, it seemed as if the tree recovered. There was no more sap coming out, and the elves seemed to stop talking to me. They just seemed to have gone about their business.
So when I saw this “fairy house” set up in the catalog, I knew I wanted to place it on their special tree to honor them on our property. I set it up my elf house on the New Moon before the Spring Equinox, and I performed another ceremony to thank them for their help in making our yard so peaceful and beautiful. It’s a healing place.
This was easy to put together. The windows and door attach easily to the tree with small nails. By the front door I placed some lumps of wild moss that grow in our yard. The pathway I made from small rustic tiles that a friend had given to me when we retiled our bathrooms. I planted a very cool groundcover called Cymbelaria (Aequitriloba) that I hope will grow in between the tiles. I really love this groundcover because it blooms with teeny, tiny purple and white flowers that look like violets. I planted Armeria to the left of Mr. Dwarf and also near the little arbor. They send up a tall pink flower and are very hardy. The arbor is made of wire and is planted with a delicate vine of some kind, but I can’t remember the name.
To get your own dwarf accessories, just go to and type in “elfin” in the product box in the upper right hand corner. They also have a wizard door and windows. I will continue to work on my elfin altar. I have only just begun.

April Energy Update

Whenever we are giving channeled information about the month or year, please understand you have a choice in how you wish to participate with it. If we discuss, for example, the energy of this month and how it may not flow easily, you can choose to move with the vast consciousness of humanity, or you can step out of that field and into what Abraham calls the Vortex.

The Vortex is a space of divine connection to Source and of the love vibration. Individuals tend to be sucked in by the surrounding energies when they become tired, distracted by physical plane activity or just zoning out. By focusing your awareness on love and divine connection, you do not have to participate in what generally goes on with the masses. If you choose not to plug into the general energy, you can use our information to understand what others around you will be doing. More information on The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships by Esther and Jerry Hicks:

With that in mind, April can feel like a call to action to get things done and move forward, but the overall energy can be difficult and doesn’t flow easily. You may feel pressure to accomplish goals that have been dragging on over the past several months and have a desire to create more abundance and stability. This is because Mars is moving forward and you will want to be productive. Also, the U.S. is a Warrior country, always wanting to push forward and doesn’t like sluggishness. However, you may find obstacles in your path this month that may lead to frustration and impatience. Impatience causes the personality to react rather than think it out. It is vital to stay patient and calm, especially this year, if you want to affect the changes you desire. Acting rashly may cause more problems. By the end of the month, you may feel like you’ve taken threes steps forward and two steps back. Obstacles can come in the form of individuals in your life who stubbornly hunker down a position and won’t compromise. Others may want to pressure you into taking sides in an “us against them” stance. This energy is more intense at the beginning of the month and lightens up around April 20th.

On a national level, the current soul age shift from 7th level young to 1st level mature soul heats up. This soul age clash will be seen as the Republicans (mostly young and baby souls) striking back at Obama and the Democrats (mostly mature souls, some old) passing the Health Care Reform Bill. Innovative reforms continue to challenge the status quo as humanity works through the global paradigm shift. The best way to navigate these energies is to remain calm and centered in Spirit. Watch that you don’t get pulled into a power struggle. If the nightly news gets you “all whipped up in a lather” against certain individuals, you may want to stop watching it. Polarizing on one side or the other only creates more opposition, separation and more of a problem.

From the perspective of the Michael Teaching, an Attacker-Victim Monad, or relationship, is created when both parties believe the other side is wrong and has hurt them. Both sides view themselves as the Victim and the other as the Attacker. Neither side takes any responsibility for helping create the problem to begin with. The rationalization is, “They did something bad to me, and I’m going to get even because I am just protecting myself; and my actions are justified.”

Instead of getting caught up in karma and judgment, try looking at the circumstance at hand by using the soul age system of the Michael Teaching. The five soul ages are infant, baby, young, mature and old soul. Older souls are not better than younger souls; they are just on a different place on the circle of life. The purpose of the Teaching, including the soul age definitions, is to assist individuals in understanding themselves and others without judgment, which hopefully leads to tolerance and unconditional love. Soul age is reflected in every walk of life, including politics, lifestyles, and religions/spirituality. Understanding soul age will give you huge clues regarding one’s behavior, beliefs and ability to accept the differences of others. It may help you understand why you don’t fit into your family or why working with a company is so uncomfortable. There are probably different soul ages at play. One of the biggest differences between the old soul and all other soul ages is that the old soul is about karma completion, not creating new karmas. The rest of the soul ages are still manifesting karma at their level. If you want more information about the five soul ages, you can go to Michael Teaching

On the flip side, April can bring breakthroughs in consciousness. You can experience deeper levels of understanding about yourself and others. Something that has seemed confusing for some time may now become crystal clear. Intuition and psychic abilities are enhanced. This a great time to revitalize your body with a spring cleanse, new yoga practice, and getting more sunshine and fresh air. By April 17, Mercury retrogrades providing us an opportunity to rethink our values. You may surprise yourself by changing your current direction to something entirely new. There will be many parallel realities breaking off and merging, so hold on to your hat!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Michael Teaching: The Support Circle

Over many lifetimes of experience, we form continuous ongoing working agreements with other souls to assist us with our karmas and lessons. These helpers provide the essential support in meeting our basic needs. Together they are called the Support Circle. The 13th position is the Power position. You are the Power Position because you have the power to make choices and create your own reality.
How an essence or soul utilizes the Support Circle depends on the soul age and level. As a general rule, the older the soul, the more the Support Circle is activated. For example, Infant Souls do no that the awareness to make use of the Enlightenment position. As souls progress through their physical plane experience, there is a desire to experience a stronger sense of connection and oneness, and thus a desire to connect to all twelve support positions.
Every essence will tend to create a list of favorite candidates for each category. For example, if you have a soul friend that has been a healer to you in many lives, you will put them under your Healer position automatically. If that person is not available in a lifetime, you may put in a temporary healer to get the job done.
The greater the number of substitutes or secondary persons you have under each category of support, the greater the opportunity of getting your needs met in a life. Successful people in the world are rarely self-made; they had lots of support.
The question to ask yourself is whether you allow the support in your life. Do you have a difficult time receiving? This may be due in part to cultural and/or familial imprinting. Do you believe you should “tough it out,” because getting help means you’re weak or lazy? You came into this life with an abundance of help, so you might as well utilize it. A Michael reminder: “You don’t get extra points with God by doing it the hard way; you only get the experience you choose.”
The Twelve Support Positions
Expression Positions
Love - The Love position is the individual who teaches you about unconditional love. You may feel unconditionally loved by them, or you may have to love them unconditionally even if you don’t like how they behave. Example: Being married to a Love position, and they have affairs behind your back.
These relationships are not always the ones you will share your deepest secrets with; that job will tend to be with the Compassion or Healer positions. This is often one’s Essence Twin.
Knowledge - These people provide you the greatest information resource. These are individuals that you may have in several area’s of your life (i.e. a faithful mechanic, a good librarian, a computer nerd). On a more personal level, they may be teachers, favorite authors, or someone who you trust to give you accurate feedback about yourself. Ideally, they keep you learning about yourself or expanding your knowledge.
Compassion - Helps you to achieve a sense of emotional safety and perspective. Compassion people will always see and acknowledge your point of view. Yet, like the “tough love” approach, they may not indulge you with pity or let you wallow in your own martyrdom. Instinctively you seek these people because you know they will not betray you. Therapists often play this role in modern life, whereas clergy did so historically.
Inspiration Positions
Mentor - The mentor is someone who you look up to and want to emulate. They can act as a secondary parent, but will not interfere with your choices. This is often a professional who gives you guidance and instruction. The Mentor is more involved than the Knowledge position with less hand holding than the Compassion position.
Beauty – This person inspires you to connect to what is beautiful. Beauty allows the soul to connect to the Higher Moving Center, or the Buddhaic Plane. When you are in the presence of Beauty, you will experience feelings of inner peace, harmony and oneness with all life.
Child - The child position is someone who gives you the experience of parenting. These people will become needy and dependent on you regardless of age. The Child position may be an actual child or an adult who you feel compelled to “grow up” or be a parent to. This position can sometimes show up in a karmic marriage where one functions as the adult and the other acts as a child. Pets can also be the Child position, as people tend to “baby” their animals.
Action Positions
Humor - This is the person who is able to lift you out of heavy feelings and help you see a lighter side of life. No matter what they say, they always make you laugh. This support is often under used and people will become emotionally heavy when it is not around. Many professional comedians fill this role for people. Unlike many of the other positions, you don’t need to know them personally.
Discipline – There are two forms of the Discipline position. The first form is someone that supports your self-discipline by imposing external structure on you. This could be a drill sergeant or strict teacher. The second form is someone who demonstrates discipline by example, such as a yoga instructor, martial arts teacher, or spiritual teacher.
Anchor - This position provides stability and a sense of physical safety and well being. The Anchor position is someone you can always count. Just being in their presence helps you gain a sense that life is going to be OK. We often call on this individual when in crisis.
Assimilative Positions
Healer - The healer can work on many levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual A doctor, therapist or priest may fill this role. You will be aware of your healers, whether they do anything to you or not, because you will feel a burden of pain or hurt lifted from you while in their presence.
Enlightenment - This is the person or teaching that assists you in being in the higher centers: higher emotional (Christ), higher mental, higher energy (Buddhaic). When you truly get in touch with Truth, Love, or Harmony, you are having an “enlightening” experience. Yogananda is an example of the Enlightenment position. Sometimes, books like the Bible, Koran, The Course in Miracles, and Tao Te Ching, can serve as the vehicle for enlightenment.
Muse – Your Muse is the most inspiring example of your most important principles this lifetime. Your Muse may be a person or a concept. Justice, honesty, fairness, service, freedom, and forgiveness are examples of Muses. Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Abraham Lincoln are examples of individuals who are Muses for many. When a Muse is a person, we will tend to place them on a pedestal and not see them clearly.

Monday, February 1, 2010

February Energy Update

February continues with the same sluggish energy of January. Take the time to examine your life, looking at where you want to be in 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years. What are you passionate about? If you have a partner, work together for a shared vision. The key to this process is connecting to a deeper purpose. Using your King archetype, create a plan with action steps. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 13 PST supports a bigger vision, but remember to temper it with a bit of realism. This is also the beginning of the Year of the Tiger. Think of Tigers and Kings as similar energetically. By the end of the month, we are much more grounded with a Full Moon in Virgo on February 28.

Thoughts on Obama

Whether you like Obama or not, whether you voted for him or not, whether you think he has done a good or bad job is irrelevant in the higher order of the Universe. Barack Obama was destined to move the U.S. from 7th Young to 1st Mature. Planetary consciousness shifts forward because of this.
Individuals who project a Messiah complex on to Obama, that he will save the world, will be disappointed. This is often a problem for Priests, and Obama is a 7th Mature Priest. For those of you who believe he is destroying America, you are right; he is helping to breakdown the Young soul paradigm to make way for Mature thinking. His strong desire for bipartisanship reflects his Mature soul thinking. His mission is to move humanity to the next soul age.
It is very difficult for an individual, let alone a nation, to make this soul age adjustment. Young soul values – money, power, fame, and materialism – clash with Mature values. The Mature soul is learning about interpersonal relationships, working in community and in partnership with the earth, as well as beginning to question a deeper meaning to life. Mature souls begin to value relationships over materiality. This is a huge jump in values and needs.

Tiger Woods is a good symbol of this transition. Before the recent scandal, Tiger epitomized the Young soul lifestyle of fame, success, lavish abundance and an impeccably wholesome image. We emphasize the word “image” here. For a long time Tiger was able to hide his darker side, that of sexual addiction. After being exposed on national television by a flood of women revealing his affairs, Tiger’s image of a loving husband was immediately tainted, and he vanished from public scrutiny. Now he is in rehab for his addiction, which means he has to look at his relationship to women, his wife and to the underlying emotions driving his behavior. Tiger must focus internally, which is something Young souls don’t naturally do. By the way, Tiger is 7th Young, and this is his first journey into 1st Mature.

This is Young to Mature in a nutshell. This process is messy and not at all glamorous. Tiger’s loss of endorsements, income and his pristine image are painful to his ego. Because Young souls are generally immersed in the Chief Feature of Arrogance, their biggest fear is to be publicly humiliated. Ken Lay, a Young soul of Enron fame, died before he went to trial. He would rather die than be dragged through the media and humiliated.

Most 7th Young souls don’t willingly move towards Mature soul experiences. The Higher Self usually designs a karmic experience to push the Essence/Soul over the line. More about how this transition will impact the U.S. to come.