Sunday, August 15, 2010

August Energy Update

As we move into the new paradigm, we will continue to experience the pull between expansion and contraction. Your personality must adapt to a new way of BEING on this planet and so must expand into new vibrations and ways of functioning. At the same time, you will experience the contraction and breakdown of the old paradigm. Individuals are making powerful shifts internally to be able to adapt to this tug-of-war. And that brings us to August.

This month is about expanding and making breakthroughs.. You may wake up one morning and make a drastic change, and feel fine about it; even calm. A sense of resolve about an issue may come over you, seemingly out of the blue. The pressure of the year finally released released, allowing you to move in new directions.

The eclipses of June 26 and July 11 provided a very potent energy field for spirit to make course corrections. Spirit has been working at positioning your personality on the game board towards your highest possible path. These corrections will continue to affect you as we move towards 2012.

August is also about taking action. It is time to call on your inner wisdom and let go of what doesn't work and put more energy into what you do want. Between now and the end of October is an auspicious time to take risks in your intended direction. Move some physical plane energy and allow yourself to be spontaneous! Indecision doesn't work now.

This month is also a great time to spend time with family and loved ones. Connect with old friends or make new ones. Enjoy time with your beloved. Take time to be with family at a picnic. If you are not close to your DNA family, then connect with your spiritual family. Call good friends you haven't talked to in a while and get together for tea. This may look like it's just about having fun, but it's really about strengthening your agreements and insuring a strong support circle moving forward.

We are currently experiencing intense solar flares. The Sun is the consciousness that holds all templates and information for our solar system, earth, and humanity. When the Sun is flaring, it is releasing new templates, ideas and information for use by humankind. When humankind grows to a certain level of awareness, then new information is released. This will ultimately look like new inventions and innovative ideas by those that tap into the new download. Feel free to tap in, if you want to.

Mercury goes retrograde August 20 and moves forward September 12. Remember to dot your i's and cross your t's.

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