Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Garden Warriors Usher in Spring

I absolutely love daffodils! Just when I have finally had it with a long, dreary winter, their bright yellow faces come into bloom and remind me that the darkness is almost over. They bring in spring aliveness, and I know I will be able to spend more time in the garden.
Miniature daffodils are my ultimate favorite. They have such adorable fairy energy! I love to have a pot of them on my desk because they give me a joyful feeling.
In the Michael System, daffodils are Warrior plants. Warrior energy is generally defined by this system as grounding, productive, and protective. They ground the energy of a location, provide an energy source for other plants, and
protect the vital energies of the landscape with their presence. (More about the Michael System)at http://www.themichaelteaching.com/
Planting them in locations such as at a mailbox post, a front walkway, or a far corner of your yard not only creates a visual focal point in the spring, but also stabilizes the land energies. The nearby land spirits utilize their energy to revitalize and regenerate the bio-energetic integrity of the land.
Whether up and blooming or seemingly dormant underground, daffodils are constantly providing energy for the surrounding landscape. During their spring cycle, they bring forth the burst of spring consciousness, providing life force energy to plants nearby. As summer progresses and daffodils die back, they draw their life force from their stems back into their underground bulb. Daffodil energy, however, does not dissipate or go dormant. On the contrary, their energy still radiates to strengthen the land around them.
With their ability to anchor and provide necessary life force, daffodils are able to strengthen the etheric web of life within a landscape. This strengthens the vital energy and promotes a strong, healthy environment for all who live there, including the humans.
For those of you who buy potted daffodils, consider planting them in your own yard or somewhere in your community. Several years ago when I lived in a condo, a girlfriend and I snuck around the complex and planted over 30 bulbs. We had a blast! The following year we saw our handy work popping up all over. What’s nice is they multiply their numbers each year, so there will be more flowers for years to come.
Daffodils are planted in the fall, so you have time to plant later this year. They are easy to plant and are “very forgiving” if you don’t quite know what you are doing. Check with your local nursery or get on line to find out when best to plant daffodils in your area. Who knows, you might forget you planted them, and then next spring they just might bring a smile to your face, too!

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