Friday, October 31, 2008

Newsletter November Energy Update: Get Your Parallel Groove On

That's because during powerful shifts such as this, your higher self and essence have collaborated to create the appropriate scenarios and relationships that you will need on the new parallel. This is because your spirit is adjust to the new energy and deciding what you will need to pack for the journey. In the weeks leading up to the election, you may experience yourself rethinking your life, changing your mind, and either drawing from your past or creating whole new paths.
Your spirit (higher self / essence) are deciding whether you need a new healer, a new business partner; or whether now is the time to move to another state. It is investigating how these new energies will impact your original blueprint for this life, deciding what it must add or release to make it possible.
Who gets on your personal parallel is important to your spirit. It is looking for individuals necessary for your support as well as whatever agreements and karmas you need. You may find friends from your past resurface while current friendships start to fade away. This may seem odd to your personality, but it starts to happen anyway.
During these shifts, you may have intense dreams about people and various circumstances where you are either delving into the past or doing something completely different. Sometimes our spirit will process a past experience of the astral plane so that it won't have to carry the unresolved energy of it into the new parallel. These dreams are giving your personality a glimpse of what your spirit is sorting. Years from now you may experience déjà vu as you find yourself living one of your dreams.

As opposed to the conscious sorting one may experience during a nexus, with a parallel shift you will find yourself gravitating towards one thing or another quite naturally. This is due to decisions already made at the spirit level.
If you want to play with the upcoming parallel shift, visualize the parallel reality where McCain wins, moving the time line in your mind out to four years after the election. What does it feel like? Are you tense or relaxed or neither? What are you doing there? What adjustments did you make about your life in that parallel? Are you living in the U.S.? (That was a joke.) What is the state of the world? What happens with Iraq?
Now visualize Obama wins and again move the time line out. Notice the difference in your body, your emotional center, and your thinking. What adjustments did you make in the Obama parallel? Are you tense or relaxed? Did you change jobs? What is the state of global affairs? What happens with Afganistan and Iraq?

After the Election: Full Speed Ahead
It will take a week or two after the election to allow everyone's instinctive center to adjust to the new parallel. If you are having a difficult time adjusting, you might consider the use of Rescue Remedy (Bach flower essence) or Arnica Montana (homeopathic remedy) which can be used for high levels of stress and shock. You might want it just to get through election night.
No matter what happens, it will be a huge adjustment.
Once people ground into the new parallel, they will feel more confident about getting through the current economic and environmental issues. From mid-November into December, the pace then picks up and it's full speed forward.

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