Friday, September 26, 2008

Earth Spirit Living: Bringing Heaven and Nature Into Your Home

I recently read a book by Ann Marie Holmes, entitled Earth Spirit Living: Bringing Heaven and Nature Into Your Home. The overall theme of the book is how we can partner with the earth to heal nature and ourselves. The author believes each one of us has the ability to tune into our surroundings and homes and make a difference in our quality of life. This book was written as “an offering for all who long to live in ways that are healthy and harmonious, joyfully connected to Self, to others, and to our planetary home.”

Ann Marie studied under Professor Lin Yun, leader of the Black Sect Tantric Buddhist School of Feng Shui in San Francisco, and spent many years at Findhorn in northern Scotland. The Findhorn Foundation describes themselves as a “spiritual community, ecovillage and an international centre for holistic education, helping to unfold a new human consciousness and create a positive and sustainable future.” The author blends Feng Shui and her intuitive earth work to give the reader an understanding of why making a loving connection to nature is so valuable, along with easy-to-use techniques to make this happen. Just a few of the benefits of attuning to the energies around us are better health, more harmonious relationships, improved prosperity, effectiveness at work, reduced stress, and more.

Part One of the book explains the earth’s energy web and the various aspects of it such as ley lines, vortexes, and power points. The author introduces the concept of “body radar,” and teaches the reader how to discern the subtle energies of the earth by tuning into the flow or blockages in environments. She talks about connecting to the nature spirits in rocks, water, trees and flowers. She believes we all have “body radar” and need only pay attention to our surroundings to discover it.

Part Two gives in-depth information on Feng Shui for home and office. Ann Marie talks about how to restore balance and vitality to these two important areas of our lives and provides solutions to problematic spaces. The third part covers moving, remodeling and building a new home or structure. The last section offers practical, do-it-yourself exercises and visualizations for using your body radar, as well as cures for land and environments, ceremonies and other conscious practices regarding land and structures.

To date this is the best book I have read on creating a conscious, loving connection to the earth and our surroundings. The book flows and is easy to understand for those not used to tuning into nature energy or feng shui. Ann Marie wants the reader to know they have the ability to work with energy and encourages us to feel free to explore the given techniques. You don’t need to go to Findhorn or study feng shui for years to be effective. You can do this and it’s fun! We do have the ability to make the connection; it just takes practice.

The cures, ceremonies, and techniques presented in the book are definitely worth trying. I was instructed by “the fairies” to create a water feature on our front porch to flow more chi/energy into our home. The front door symbolically represents an individual’s connection to the world. If the front door area is lifeless and blocked in some way, then the energy doesn’t flow to the individual. The energy I am referring to translates to money, abundance of all forms, and even recognition by the outer world.

I assembled the fountain using Ann Marie’s tips and intention setting and then created a ceremony to bless the fountain and invite in the water spirits. The splashing water and plants give me a joyous feeling, and bring harmony and energy to our home. I actually like coming in and out of the front door. Since I set it up, my husband was chosen Employee of the Quarter and I am getting more social invitations. I’ll keep you posted on how it’s working.

There is a lot of great information in this book about healing our earth and our environments. Besides recycling and going “green,” I believe we need to make a spiritual connection to the earth. This book helps the average person do just that.

For those of you who are Michael students, Ann Marie is a 4th Old Sage with a Scholar essence twin. Her goal is Growth, attitude of Spiritualist, mode of Observation and emotionally centered. She clearly has a big heart for mother nature. Find her book on Amazon.

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