Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"October Energy Update" Continued from News Letter:

Spiritual Balancing and Course Corrections
Maybe the job was making you miserable and physically sick, and it was Spirit’s way of getting you “back on track” with the Life Purpose you created before incarnating. An argument with a loved one might mean the “air needs to be cleared” so you will be able to stick with your intended agreements. Others may experience this month on an internal level, making changes in how they think about a person, problem or life path. The key to working with the energy this month is to understand the circumstances presented are signals to your personality that balance and a change in course are necessary.
There is also an emphasis on relationships in October. You may find yourself reconnecting to someone from the past, transforming a current relationship or making new friends. You may be inspired to heal a painful relationship to allow release and completion. Despite the fact Mercury is retrograde, communication is favorable and constructive if you stay in balance and open to new ideas. Libra the Scales, the Sun Sign for October, asks us to hold the middle point and watch that we don’t fall in the rut of taking sides. Polarities create each other and keep karma in play with heavy emotional states. The world is full of polarities. The current polarity being played out in the U.S. is the battle of the Democrats and Republicans. With the impending election it may be difficult to stay somewhat neutral. Polarities always insist there is a good guy and a bad guy. Mostly they each side is a reflection of the other. Stay anchored in your truth from a place of peace and know there is a higher evolution being played out.
Harmony and balance for the mind and body are vital for October. For mental equilibrium, keep an open mind and stay connected to your higher consciousness. Develop balance for the body with grounding activities such as tai chi, walks in nature, chi gung, yoga, meditation, or just plain stretching. Creating or connecting to Beauty is also harmonizing. Beauty emanates from the Buddhaic Plane, the higher moving center. Notice that whenever you are observing something of beauty – a sunset, a child, a flower – your focus is totally in the present, or what Eckart Tolle calls the "power of now." Find ways of harmonizing your life, especially as tensions build around the impending election.

Celestial Points of Interest:
Libra Mercury Retrograde – September 24 to October 15
New Moon: Scorpio New Moon / October 28
Full Moon: Aires Full Moon / October 14

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