Saturday, June 21, 2008

Free and Clear Hawaiian Style

I wanted to let you know about a recent land clearing in Hawaii. On my trip to the Big Island, I stayed with a good friend LaRissa, who also does land clearings. On a very voggy (volcanic smog pouring from Kilauea) day LaRissa, Sio, her companion, and I set out. We met with the landowner, Vince, and his father, Rubin. Vince was having problems getting a construction loan with the bank. It was at an impasse and he did not know what to do.
Vince was clearly meant to have this land. He recounted that a friend had asked him to buy it way back when he was in high school. He was now in his forties. Years later, it was offered to him again, but someone else delayed the purchase because they also wanted it. The problem with the property at that time was it was landlocked. The third time Vince was again offered the land he finally purchased it. He asked his neighbor for an easement, and much to Vince’s surprise was given the easement with a blessing.
Larissa, Sio and I started our day by chanting a beautiful Hawaiian chant from Molokai, which invokes love and healing for all. We invoked all the Guides, Angels, Earth Spirits connected with the land, and the people involved. Then we started walking the land, the most important aspect of getting in touch with the energies.
When land clearing, there are many factors to be considered. First, we looked at the topography to observe how the landscape was created and if there are any natural blockages, such as a landslide. We are also looking to see if man has done any damage to the physicality of the land that may alter the energetic flow.
On this particular property, a very deep ravine had no water flowing through it because a neighbor up the mountain had diverted the water into a lava tube. The water spirits, who were still holding the energy of the water in the ravine, were very unhappy.
The next step was to intuitive look at the bioenergics of the property to see if there were any “spiritual power spots,” as well as connect to the earth spirits there. There was a power spot where the pure energy of Gaia was out flowing from deep within the Earth. These spots are amazing because the energy is so pure, magical, and filled with powerful earth spirits. If you are ever near one, you will definitely know it because it will appear mysterious and enchanting, and your body will resonate to its energy and beauty. At this level, we are also looking for a connection to the fairies, elves, devas, overlighting earth angels, and earth spirit caretakers. On the other hand, what I call the Earth’s Ancestors.
There was a potent spirit that showed up who was the overseer of the power spot. I intuited it was curious about us because we were admiring “his” spot. We asked if it was OK to build a structure on this five-acre parcel. We immediately understood that it was acceptable as long as they did not build over the power spot. I knew it meant that if the owners did build on the power spot, they would suffer in many ways: health concerns, lack of abundance, financial problems, etc. This would happen because that would block the energy flow, NOT because the earth spirits would cause it.
After that, we checked for any human energies. It is important to note that humans leave more than trash or a carbon footprint on the land; they also leave energetic debris. This takes the form of thoughtforms and emotions. These residuals stay within the bioenergetic field of the land and distort the natural energy. Ghosts can also inhabit the location, which also need to be cleared.

(I discovered this years ago when I was visiting a park in Virginia. While visiting friends, we decided to have a picnic at the local park. It was a beautiful location with rolling lush green hills and old stands of trees. I started to feel nauseous and extremely uncomfortable. Frankly, I wanted to get the heck out of there; it gave me the creeps! Then someone mentioned that the location we were at was actually a battlefield during the Civil War, where thousands upon thousands of soldiers were killed. A light bulb went on in my head, and I started to tune into the energies there. It was overwhelming, to say the least, because there were so many ghosts walking around, as well as emotional pain and suffering fused into the land. It was bigger than I could take on.)
This Hawaiian property had two human influences: an area where a pot grower had been and left his emotions and drug consciousness, and a burial site that also had human suffering connected with it.
Lastly, we intuitively meditated on all the people connected with the property. There was lots of family issues between the two couples that bought the property that had not been addressed, which were clearly going to be a future problem if not spoken to. Owners, neighbors, and any others with an interest in a property all impact it with their consciousness.
Our healing work for the land started by invoking the Overlighting Water Angel, a powerful earth angel, to bring water energies back to the ravine so the water spirits would be balanced and happy. The water spirits were happy! I love water spirits and think they should be encouraged in one’s home or land because they are so soothing and healing. Next, we cleared the human energy off, invoking the earth energies from below the surface to move into those locations for healing. We were essentially inviting the earth energies back.
We then did a group meditation, creating a “grid” of healing and support for the family to heal their differences with patience and love. We also visualized the bank being supportive and providing the necessary loan. I always make sure to ask for the highest good for all and let “the powers that be” determine the outcome. It is not my place to interfere with dharma.
Our last task was to talk with Vince and his dad about what we saw and our recommendations. We informed him of the power spot and that he shouldn’t build over it. We suggested he even create a landscape altar in that location to acknowledge the spirits there. That way they could communicate with them and create a partnership on the land. Practically, we suggested he get together with his wife and the other 2 owners of the land to get clear on who got what part of the acreage, who was financially responsible for what, and more; and to get it in writing. We told him to visualize his loan coming to him with ease and for a healing within the family.
We concluded by thanking all the spirits, guides and angels for their support, and asked them for a blessing upon the land. Last, I heard, Vince indicated the other couple had suddenly decided they did not want to be a part of the property and wanted to be bought out. Vince said it would eliminate the problem of permits and getting a loan because they are not dividing the property.
Next, a clearing at a San Francisco Victorian. Ghosts and more!

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